In 2018-2019, I collaborated with The New Yorker Magazine and Van Alen Insitute to make 2 films and a short series exploring our modern-day relationship to landsape and infrastructure: 

BORDERLANDS (15 min, 2019)

In three regions along the US/Mexico border, commuters, city planners and kids deal with the wall that divides their cities.

Supported by The National Endowment for the Arts

Watch the film


“In…Fireproofing California, residents return to their homes after the recent wildfires. Many have been destroyed, but the architects John Davis and Lorrie Brown return to find their house in the fire-vulnerable chaparral almost ‘pristine,’ thanks to construction details including metal barn doors to protect against flying embers and a gravel buffer separating the house from the surrounding grass. With more homes being built in fire-prone ecosystems, and wildfires increasing in frequency and intensity, such measures may need to become more common.” - Dana Goodyear, The New Yorker

Supported by The Fledgling Fund and The National Endowment for the Arts.

Watch the film 

MIAMI UNDERWATER (4-episode series, 2018

“Turning the Tide in Miami, a multipart video series produced by the nonprofit Van Alen Institute in partnership with The New Yorker and the documentary filmmaker Merete Mueller, is ostensibly a film about rising sea levels in Miami and their effect on the city's future. In reality, though, like the fallout from serious climate change, the results are far more complex. Over the course of five episodes, Turning the Tide in Miami explores the city's adaptation to climate change, the cost of rising sea levels, the effect of climate change on gentrification, and the use of techniques ranging from smart landscaping to street art to stem the effects of climate change and to raise awareness of its very real effects.” - Hadley Keller, Architectural Digest

“Historically, ‘low-income communities of color were forced to live in the center of the city, high above sea level. Now that the sea level is rising, that puts us in prime real estate.’ Gunder is one of the many Miami residents who appear in this video series, which focusses on the high-stakes questions that arise as people begin to adapt, and the factors that help create and strengthen resiliency for what’s ahead. ‘Every adaptation project is an opportunity to improve our environmental quality,’ Tiffany Troxler, a wetlands biologist, said. ‘And to improve social equity.’ “ - Carolyn Kormann, The New Yorker

Supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.